blog > Hello World!
Hello World!
Published at 2024-3-24
Hey friends! 👋 So this is the first ever post created on my shiny new website! 😎 I will admit, it feels a little bit odd to be writing something that a ton of people (might) see, but I’m sure it’ll get much better as I make more posts here!
So just a little bit about this site! This site was created using SvelteKit, with styling done using TailwindCSS, and I have to say — the development process has been absolutely wonderful. Prior to working on this site, the only Svelte knowledge I had was from going through the tutorial on Svelte’s website (which I highly recommend for those who are interested) Speedy development with Svelte, combined with ease of styling with Tailwind, made for a super quick development process that allowed me to quickly develop and refine iterations of my site.
For the blog posts and project posts, I’m using a package called mdsvex which serves a preprocessor for markdown documents, which essentially allows me to use Svelte components inside Markdown files, and/or Markdown syntax inside Svelte components. This means that all of these blog posts are written in markdown (pretty cool, huh 🤩). This makes it super easy to make blog posts. All I need is the post itself (written in markdown), as well as a header image of the same name (minus the file extension), and bang — new post. It also means that I can plop down little cool Svelte components I make into here, like check out this little 3d scene I made with Threlte (three.js Sveltified 🤓)!
This means that I can put demos of projects that I’m working on in these posts, as well as other silly things!
Anyways, I’m stoked to be able to share my wacky coding adventures (and adventures in general) with y’all, and I hope that you all find as much joy reading this as I have writing it. I’m planning on posting to this blog maybe once a week (if time permits), so feel free to check in every once and a while to read up on what I’m up to (if you’d like, I can’t make you)